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natürliche Medizin

Ayurveda* the Indian art of healing*



"Ayur" means life and "Veda" means science.

So this is the science of life.

The 5 elements of Ayurvedic medicine describe the cycles of nature of which we are a part.


The 5 elements:









The 3 doshas: a first brief overview


VATA (ether & air) : principle of movement

Light, delicate, slender physique, thin hair, often curly, light sleep, mentally active, but also tends to be nervous, creative, imaginative, lively, grasps quickly, but also quickly forgets, changeable, tends to dryness, needs regularity, oil and Affection.


PITTA (fire & water) : principle of transformation

Athletic physique, hair is fine and soft, often light, blue or green eyes, strong but not very stamina, sharp intellect, prone to inflammation, the fire of Pitta must burn, but Pitta types also tend to 'burn' themselves.

Regularly needs food, irritable when there is nothing to eat.

Pitta controls our metabolism.


Kapha (earth & water) : principle of structure

Strong physique, strong stamina, strong hair, big face, big eyes, learns slowly, but good long-term memory, balanced and calm, relaxed, caring,

deep sleep, tends to become overweight, can skip meals, slow digestion, stable, immobile, loves tradition and consistency.

New things can be scary.


The 3 doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha and their mixed forms describe individual constitutions that enable an individual to be better understood and thus optimally support health on all levels (physical, psychological, mental and spiritual).

Our innate constitution is called Prakriti , while an energetic imbalance or later illness is called Vikriti .


What is Ayurveda's approach?

The individual constitution is decisive for the therapeutic approach.

Various oil massages, churna applications, oil pourings, herbs, diet changes,

Yoga exercises and meditation are the pillars of therapy.

Discussions and support on emotional and spiritual topics round off an Ayurveda session.

Panchakarma (cleaning of deep tissue layers) is the royal discipline and is offered in specialized clinics in India and of course in Germany.

The aim is to excrete AMA (cell toxins) and to optimally support AGNI (digestive fire ).


How do I find out what type I am?

There are countless tests on the net that give an approximate direction but are not very precise.

A conversation with an experienced therapist and an additional Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is more individual and meaningful.

Attention: Unfortunately, the imbalance of the doshas (Vikriti) is often diagnosed in tests and not the natural constitution (Prakriti).






​© 2024 by Silke Gerhardt


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